5 Books That Will Develop Your Devotion Towards God

Having a close connection with God will assist you with being more brilliant and hopeful personally. It is because having a sound profound life that can influence how you think and answer conditions.

Here I am sharing a list of books that were huge advantages for developing and advancing your relationship with God. As I began writing, I realize that there are countless great books to read. I am sharing a few of them:

  1. Ordering Your Private World: This book is written by Gordon MacDonald and was published in 1983.
  2. Shivi & Satty: And The Warriors Of Death: This book is written by Author Anupama Gupta and was published in 2019. 
  3. Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone: This book is written by James Martin and was published in 2022. 
  4. The Art of Listening Prayer: Finding God’s Voice Amidst Life’s Noise: This book is written by Seth Barnes and was published in 2004. 
  5. Getting Closer to God: Lessons from the Life of Moses: This book is written by Erwin Lutzer and was published in 2011. 

These are some great books to read. They will mix your confidence and push you to read more.


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