How to read multiple books at same time?
Definitely! Reading more than one book at a time has so many benefits also, like:
- Reading more than one book helps you to improve your focus and memory.
- It gives you an insight into reading more than one story at a time.
- You can escape from your daily routine.
- It will help you to maintain a balance between required and pleasure reading.
- You can fill your every day with a variety of spices.
Now the question is - How can you manage to read more than one book at a time?
So, here are some tips that will work for that -
- Try to read two genres like fiction novel and non-fiction novel at a time.
- Pick one difficult and one easy book at the same time.
- Use applications like Libby or Goodreads.
- Set time to the side consistently.
- You can also listen to an audiobook while doing your work.
- Join a book club.
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